Bookstagram Appreciation Month

This month is all about being grateful (even though every moment should be) and I have decided to feature five fellow Bookstagrammers that I am truly thankful for and have really been not only people I can call my friends, but accounts that I really looked up to and helped me out so much when I first started my blog. Please make sure to check out their blogs/websites and Instagram accounts. These five women are not only all phenomenal, but fantastic in the Bookstagram world! Please see all five interviews below with these amazing women!

Stacey (Prose and Palate)



The story of my friendship with Stacey is not only strong, but one that literally came out of nowhere. We both had a chance to read an ARC of Final Girls by Riley Sager and lost ourselves in conversation as we ferociously dove right into conversation with this incredibly creepy novel! The conversation definitely swayed eventually and we now talk multiple times a week about life, food, and definitely about books. She is a strong and beautiful fantastic southern girl with a heart of gold and I absolutely adore her....oh and her pictures turn me green with envy! What an eye!


What made you start blogging?

I started my blog because I was looking for a larger platform to discuss books and connect with others who share my reading addiction.   I had a personal Instagram account for several years and I followed Crime By The Book and was just completely obsessed with everything she did. Abby is fantastic!   When I saw how many people commented, interacted and were passionate about what they were reading and what was being published in the upcoming months it was like, “These are my people!!!  I want to be a part of this!” 

What has been the best experience as a blogger?

The best experience as a blogger for me was becoming a Book of the Month Judge.  It is still so surreal and exciting to see my face on their website next to such accomplished authors, editors and literary talent.  It would be a dream come true to work for them full time. 

If you weren’t a book blogger, what do you think you would blog about if anything?

 Hmmmm that’s a good question.  I think if I didn’t blog about books I would focus more heavily on child literacy.   It is something I am extremely passionate about as my son is severely dyslexic and struggles with reading.  We have had great success with the Barton Method , so I think I would focus solely on that if I did not already have Prose and Palate. 

What is your favorite thing about being a blogger? 

My favorite thing about being a blogger is the amazing people that I have met through social media.  I have connected with so many kindred spirits and made several life long friends.  I love how you and I immediately connected over Final Girls and our love for garlic knots!  I enjoy your friendship and your book commentary so much and I think it is something that is unique and authentic to the bookstagram community.   Another incredible thing about book blogging is the author access.  Never in a million years would I have thought that I would be talking to and on a first name basis with some of my favorite authors and yet here I am!  I have just been consistently amazed at the overall kindness, and the way this community is so welcoming and encouraging.  Book people are the best people!

Someone who is a new reader comes to you for advice. What five novels do you recommend to them?

Aaaahhhhhhh it is always so hard to narrow it down to 5.  I can’t do just 5!!!   If a new reader came to me I would say you need The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet,  The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot,  5 Days at Memorial by Sheri Fink,  A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, The Heart’s Invisible Furies by John Boyne, Dear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls,  Jo Nesbo’s Harry Hole Series, Louise Penny’s Armand Gamache Series and if you’re looking for a good cry, Firefly Lane and The Nightingale by Kristen Hannah. 

How do you squeeze in all of the time to read on top of working full time, spending time with friends/family, etc.?   

I read late at night after everyone else has gone to bed and on my lunch break at work whenever that is possible.   It can get difficult to juggle everything and now that the holidays are here, my reading time has been significantly cut back.   It just depends on what’s going on... some weeks I can get in 5 to 10 books and then other weeks I don’t read at all.  Reading is my escape so I don’t stress too much if I don’t read a certain number.  

Are there any titles you’re looking forward to that you haven’t gotten a copy of yet? 

I am DYING to get my hands on Jo Nesbo’s Macbeth.  I am also really anxious to get An American Marriage by Tayari Jones,  That Kind of Mother by Rumaan Alam,  Heart Berries by Terese Marie Maihot, The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager,  Lawn Boy by Jonathan Evison, Eat The Apple by Matt Young  and The Friend by Sigrid Nunez.  

What is your biggest struggle being a blogger?

My biggest struggle being a blogger is time.   I don’t post on my blog as frequently as I would like because there are just not enough hours in the day. I work 40 to 50 hours a week as a lease analyst, and then have my son’s after school activities and homework.  His social calendar is more packed than mine ever was so a lot of my time is spent as his personal taxi to and from events.  I try to squeeze in a few date nights with my husband and girl’s nights with my friends whenever I can, so I feel like I am constantly burning the candle at both ends.   I post on Instagram daily and am very interactive there.  I wish I could post like that on my blog but for now, that is just not an option. 

We all say we don’t judge a book by its cover. What book(s) have you seen the cover of and just knew you had to have a copy of?

Oh my goodness!  Kimmery Martin’s The Queen of Hearts.  The cover is just insanely gorgeous.  I would hang it in my house if they sold prints of it – it’s just stunning.  

Please list any additional comments or things you’d like me to mention with your blog below:

As you know, it is my dream to one day work in books.   Everything seems to be based out of New York, but it would be amazing to work for a publisher or any one in a book-related capacity, even if it is a job that is done remotely.  I also would love to open a book store with my good friend Kourtney Dyson of Kourtney’s Bookshelf Blog.   We currently co-curate an online book club on Instagram known as Salt Water Reads and it would be a dream come true to take it to the next level and have a store where the authors that we love and promote could come and speak about their new works.   Not to mention getting the opportunity to match readers with books that will speak to them and inspire them…. throw in an in-store coffee shop and a few puppies as our bookshop mascots and that is our vision for our store.   One day……

Amy Jo (LiteraryJo)



Amy Jo is not only one of the sweetest human beings, but she has a well-rounded taste when it comes to books. I started following her when she was posting a lot about her love for The Resurrection of Joan Ashby (accompanied with a glass of red wine) and her photos are beautiful. Reading about her love of this novel and the adventure she faced while diving in was exactly what I love about a Bookstagrammer. 


What made you start blogging?

I came across a few Bookstagrams on my personal account several years ago and I just loved the fact that there were people out there that wanted to take pictures of books and talk about what they were reading. After months as just an observer of the Bookstagram community, I knew I needed to join in and be a part of it! At first my posts were really simple, but gradually I grew into more of a blogging role and I absolutely love it.

What has been the best experience as a blogger?

Honestly, the best experience has been all the other bloggers I've met! I've never had any friends that were as into books as I am, and so finding this corner of the internet full of other people who love books just as much as I do is amazing. I've made so many friends and connected with so many bloggers and authors. I've found my people here and I love it.

If you weren’t a book blogger, what do you think you would blog about if anything?

I'm not sure there's anything else I'd want to blog about! Unless maybe an Instagram account with just pictures of my pets.

What is your favorite thing about being a blogger?

I think my favorite thing is the same as my best experience--just meeting so many wonderful people. I've made friends that I communicate with every day and who are so like me it's crazy. I just love it.

Someone who is a new reader comes to you for advice. What five novels do you recommend to them?

WOW this is hard. It would definitely depend on that individual person... I would recommend different things to different people depending on their interests. But I think if I had to pick five, I'd go with a wide variety of books that I really enjoyed that are good at pulling you in. It's hard to not love reading books like that.

1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (because how many people fell in love with reading because of these books?!)
2. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie (such a good/fun mystery)
3. A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman (funny, heartwarming, page-turning)
4. Dark Matter by Blake Crouch (this book is like a crazy action movie--so so good!)
5. Inkheart by Cornelia Funke (my absolute favorite book growing up that is still just as wonderful and magical today)

How do you squeeze in all of the time to read on top of working full time, spending time with friends/family, etc.?

Reading is just a priority for me. I have a pretty busy life, but I always try to make time to read. It's something I need to reset and recharge at the end of the day, and so I almost always read a few chapters before bed. I'll get up a little bit early in the morning so I can read before starting the day as well. It doesn't always happen, but I've found that I'm in a much better mood if I just take some time and set it aside for reading. And sometimes I just neglect things like laundry and vacuuming and grocery shopping. :)

Are there any titles you’re looking forward to that you haven’t gotten a copy of yet?

Hmmm I'm not sure. I'm always looking forward to all the new releases, but I'm not sure there's just one that I'm really anticipating at the moment. Actually... there's a new Tamora Pierce book coming out in February of 2018... it's sort of a prequel to The Immortals Quartet, which was my favorite book series in middle school. I'm a little giddy about it to be honest.

What is your biggest struggle being a blogger?

I think the hardest part is getting a post up regularly even when I'm not feeling motivated. Sometimes reading slumps happen and life gets busy and reading gets pushed aside just a little bit. When that happens, having to post and talk about all the books you're not currently reading can feel a little like a burden. 

We all say we don’t judge a book by its cover. What book(s) have you seen the cover of and just knew you had to have a copy of?

I bought a copy of Ali Shaw's The Trees on a complete impulse because it has the most gorgeous cover I've ever seen. And it ended up working out well because it ended up being my favorite book I read last year!

Please list any additional comments or things you’d like me to mention with your blog below:

I am just so in love with this community of readers! So thankful for all of you!

Dee (deebibliophilia)



Dee and I quickly bonded over our love of books and quite a few titles that we had in common. She is a fellow lover and blogger of mystery and thrillers and her photography skills are on fleek! I love her reviews as they are not only extremely honest, but she definitely has a knack for getting straight to the point! I commend her for not only working hard on her blog, but also managing another blog, a career, and getting her Master's degree! Talk about a busy gal! 


Someone who is a new reader comes to you for advice. What five novels do you recommend to them?

This one is a no-brainer! I have read hundreds of books, but there are few that stick in my mind, and often come up in conversations. Luckily, they span across a few genres. I absolutely loved The Weight of Blood by Laura McHugh. A gripping and suspenseful novel. The Winter People. Ohmygoodness, talk about a nail-biter! Jennifer McMahon is a brilliant storyteller. I was captivated by her novels since I discovered Promise Not to Tell in 2007. Since then, I have read every single novel she puts out, and I am patiently awaiting the release of her next novel. The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. In my undergrad I studied English literature, and fell in love with gothic fiction (Jane Eyre,  Wuthering Heights, and The Woman in White). The Thirteenth Tale had me guessing until the last page. Her words suck you in from page one, full of suspense and psychological twists. Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter. Chilling, disturbing, and truly spectacular. Pre-warning: this one has dark subject matter, and is often brutal to visualize. Last but not least, I have to jump over to Young Adult, a genre that is not written for me, but that I secretly love. Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas. I’ve recommended this to so many people and they read it in a day.

How do you squeeze in all of the time to read on top of working full time, spending time with friends/family, etc.?

Honestly, this is a question I answer all the time. People will often say, “Do you actually read all of those books you post?” The answer is yes. I am a speed reader, which obviously helps, but I also find reading to be extremely relaxing. When I get home from work I always make a cup of tea and read just to unwind from the day. I carry a book with me 24/7 (sometimes 3, it gets heavy, believe me!) I read when I’m waiting for appointments, on transit, etc. I would prefer to read then aimlessly scroll through my phone.

What is your biggest struggle being a blogger?

I have thoroughly enjoyed the blogging experience since I started my website this summer. The struggle for me is managing my career (completely unrelated to reviewing books), completing a master’s degree (debating if I should read a paper or finish the book I just started), managaging another unrelated blog, and finding the time to sit down and write an book honest review. Somedays days escape and I realize I’ve posted three books on my bookstagram and forgot to add them to the blog. Sometimes its difficult hosting two different platforms. I’m hoping that when I graduate in the spring, I will be able to devote more time to

We all say we don’t judge a book by its cover. What book(s) have you seen the cover of and just knew you had to have a copy of?

I have to blame this one on you Garrett! I saw your post for The Last Mrs. Parrish and I ordered it right away. I didn’t even have time to read the synopsis. I’m a quarter through and I absolutely love it! I still don’t know the premise, and sometimes it’s better to enter a book this way. Other books I have purchased by their cover alone: Little Fires Everywhere, The Girls in the Garden, The Roanoke Girls, and Behind Her Eyes.

Abby (crimebythebook)



Where do I start with Abby? I actually followed her on my personal Instagram and was completely obsessed with her blog...and I still am to this day! I had won a giveaway from Abby and she was so helpful when I first started blogging and really took me under her wing. She is the kindest soul that anyone will ever meet and I think everyone familiar with the Bookstagram community considers her a household name! Given her love of crime fiction, we automatically clicked and she has been someone I definitely consider a friend and someone I look up to. She also got me extremely addicted to not only Jo Nesbø, but Nordic Noir in its entirety!


What made you start blogging?
I started blogging because I wanted a space to celebrate the books that I love - specifically, crime books! After graduating college, I realized that I had all this newfound free time that I could fill by reading whatever I wanted, and crime books were the obvious choice for me. I was so excited to connect with fellow bookworms and spread the love about crime fiction - and I continue to be just as (if not even more!) excited about this every single day.

What has been the best experience as a blogger?
I’ve had so many amazing experiences as a blogger, but none could top the opportunity I had to meet and interview my favorite author, Jo Nesbo, on Facebook Live at the Facebook offices in NYC! I’ve been a fan of Nesbo’s for years and years now, and getting to meet him was surreal in and of itself - and then to be able to interview him on Facebook Live was just the cherry on top of an already amazing experience. I will never be able to adequately express how thankful I am for all the opportunities book blogging has afforded me, and for the wonderful people I’ve met through it! 

If you weren’t a book blogger, what do you think you would blog about if anything?
This is such a fun question! Hmmm, I would probably be a fashion blogger if I didn’t blog about books. My Instagram incorporates my personal style alongside the books I’m reading, so I think it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch for me to start a fashion blog - but that being said, I’m not nearly as passionate about fashion as I am about books, so in reality I just can’t imagine myself blogging about anything other than books! 

Someone who is a new reader comes to you for advice. What five novels do you recommend to them?
This is actually a tricky question to answer, because I try to tailor each recommendation to the reader I’m talking to! One of my favorite things about the crime fiction genre is how expansive it is - there’s a crime book out there for everyone, and I always try to figure out what other kinds of books (or TV shows/movies) people like before providing them with a recommendation! A few of my most-recommended crime books across the board are: THE SNOWMAN by Jo Nesbo (my personal favorite book by my favorite author!), EENY MEENY by M.J. Arlidge (a series launch that is perfect for fans of TV shows like Criminal Minds), BEHIND CLOSED DOORS by B.A. Paris (a binge-worthy domestic thriller exploring the secrets of a seemingly perfect marriage), THE WOMAN IN CABIN 10 by Ruth Ware (another fun, fast-paced read that’s on-trend and exemplary of current psychological thrillers), and (of course!) AND THEN THERE WERE NONE by Agatha Christie (the Queen of Crime’s best-selling novel!). 

How do you squeeze in all of the time to read on top of working full time, spending time with friends/family, etc.?
It takes consistent planning! Because I live in New York, I have the benefit of commuting to work by subway, which, for me, means reading time is built into my schedule each day. I do the majority of my daily reading on the subway, both to and from work. Once I’m home from work, my evenings consist of blog work, catching up on social media, and planning my posts for the next day! Blogging is a lot of work, and it really does take consistent planning to make sure you’re on top of everything - and of course, this also means factoring in time spent with family and friends, which is incredibly important to me. Between all these different commitments, I have a pretty insane calendar - as I write this, I have an alarming number of overdue reminders on my phone and emails to respond to! At the end of the day, I just feel so incredibly fortunate for all the opportunities blogging has afforded me - from connecting with readers to reviewing books to meeting the brilliant authors behind the books I love, I just plain love what I’m doing.

Are there any titles you’re looking forward to that you haven’t gotten a copy of yet?
I have my eye on a number of Summer 2018 releases that I’m really looking forward to, but review copies aren’t available for those yet, so I’m not sure they count! I’m very fortunate to have a very lengthy TBR right now, so I’m focused on making my way through those books before I start to think about the upcoming summer. Some of my most-anticipated books of early 2018 are those that I’ve already had a chance to cover on my blog - Jo Nesbo’s MACBETH, Lars Kepler’s THE SANDMAN, C.J. Tudor’s THE CHALK MAN are at the top of the list! 

If you want to include them, here are links to those posts: 
The Sandman: 
The Chalk Man: 

What is your favorite thing about being a blogger?
Being a blogger opened up a whole new world to me. I had previously felt relatively isolated in my passion for crime fiction, but starting Crime by the Book connected me with readers, authors, and publishing professionals from around the world. There’s no better feeling than the feeling that you’ve found “your people,” and that’s how I feel every single day that I work on my blog. I’m so thankful for the blogging community, and for the readers I’ve met through it! It’s such a pleasure to know that I can hop on social media and talk about books with like-minded individuals at any given moment. 

What is your biggest struggle being a blogger?
My biggest struggle is always the classic “too many books, too little time”! I’m always trying to stay on top of the upcoming releases I’m excited about, but I also have a whole list of older crime titles I want to read - and (of course!) I also have a job that keeps me really busy - but it’s a job that I love and also want to give my all to! I’m constantly wishing for more time to spend reading. The positive spin I like to put on this struggle is that because my time is limited, it’s taught me to be selective and focus my energy on books that I’m genuinely passionate about. 

We all say we don’t judge a book by its cover. What book(s) have you seen the cover of and just knew you had to have a copy of?
Oh, so many!! I absolutely judge books by their covers, as much as I know we’re not supposed to. Let’s see - one of my most recent reads, DARK PINES by Will Dean, has an absolutely stunning cover that I knew I had to have. (Bonus: I enjoyed the read too!) One of my all-time favorite book jackets is the US hardcover jacket for THE CROW GIRL by Erik Axl Sund - although that book was already on my radar before I saw the cover, so it was just a bonus that the cover ended up being one that I absolutely loved! (That’s also one of my all-time favorite books, so it worked out perfectly!) Like any reader, I’ve also had the experience of buying a book just because it had a stunning cover, and not loving the read… but hey, it happens! 

Please list any additional comments or things you’d like me to mention with your blog below:

Thank you so much again, I truly appreciate it.
Thank you so much for having me on your blog!!

Patience (inkandfable)



So my friendship with Patience began quite randomly when she was showcasing on her Instagram Story the new Rihanna makeup line. I automatically was like...wait, you're a blogger, an avid reader, and a MODEL?! Come on now. This girl is so well-rounded and kind, it is unbelievable. Her website/blog is not only eye-catching, but she literally has put me in stitches laughing before and is such a kind spirit. 


What made you start blogging?
I started blogging in high school. You know when Xanga and Myspace were a thing! And then I found and it changed my writing life. It became like an online diary of sorts. It still is, I really love it as an outlet, it definitely clears my mind.

What has been the best experience as a blogger?
Meeting so many amazing people, Like YOU! It’s crazy how much the bookstagram world connects people. CRAZY. And quite awesome.

If you weren’t a book blogger, what do you think you would blog about if anything?
When I’m not writing book reviews, I focus on personal experience and travel features.

Someone who is a new reader comes to you for advice. What five novels do you recommend to them?
Here’s my current Top 5:
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
Good Morning, Midnight by Lily Brooks-Dalton
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa

How do you squeeze in all of the time to read on top of working full time, spending time with friends/family, etc.?
If you really truly love something, you’ll manage to put aside time for it. I’ve only just learned this recently. I used to make the excuse that I never had any time to read, but you’d be surprised at how many pages you can get done in 30 minute intervals.

Are there any titles you’re looking forward to that you haven’t gotten a copy of yet?
I’m still trying to get my hands on Unbury Carol by Josh Malerman. He wrote BirdBox which is currently in the process of being adapted for Netflix. He’s my hero.

What is your favorite thing about being a blogger?
Definitely meeting new people, I never thought that when I started this account last year that it would allow to meet so many amazing beans! And to even be able to meet up with some of them in real life. It has been amazing.

What is your biggest struggle being a blogger?
In the bookstagram world, there’s pressure to try and keep up with what the rest of the world is reading 24-7. While that’s great, it’s important to remember to read the things YOU want to read too, I have to remind myself of that on a weekly basis.

We all say we don’t judge a book by its cover. What book(s) have you seen the cover of and just knew you had to have a copy of?
Pretty much everything!

Special thanks to all five women for participating! I really enjoyed getting to know all of you even more and really appreciate the feedback and time you took to answer all of these questions. So if you haven't already, go show these five bloggers some love and follow them now!


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